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Top 10 precautions to Avoid Miscarriage

Jan 17, 2023 | Pregnancy Tips, Maternity, Mother Child Care, Pregnancy

Miscarriage is fairly frequent; however, it’s not generally discussed more openly. In reality, miscarriages account for 15% of all known pregnancies. Since many miscarriages occur in the initial few days or weeks of pregnancy, sometimes, a woman does not even realize that she is pregnant.

Chromosome abnormalities or other unidentified factors that prevent the pregnancy from continuing are the most common causes of miscarriages. According to research, faulty genetics are responsible for at least 50% of miscarriages.

The chance of Miscarriage is increased by advancing age, obesity, being underweight, substance abuse, and chronic medical conditions, including diabetes, thyroid diseases, and hypertension.

Here are some of the things that people who are expecting a child should know to prevent unwanted miscarriages:

1. Maintain Proper Hygiene To Avoid Unnecessary Infections

Several illnesses might result in Miscarriage, stillbirth, or newborn death. Practice proper hand hygiene and keep social distance from ill persons and crowded indoor areas to prevent contracting viral or bacterial diseases.

Wash your hands more frequently. Use handwash and warm water to wash your hands for at least 30 seconds. Moreover, keep all the surfaces neat and clean. Also, use hand sanitizer after touching any object to avoid infection.

2. Prohibit Smoking To Lower The Chances Of Miscarriage

A major threat to health is smoking. It raises your chance of developing several types of cancer, such as lung, heart, high blood pressure, and stroke diseases. Smokers are more likely to encounter infertility and miscarriages.

The risk of sudden infant death syndrome is increased in children born to women who smoke. Prohibiting smoking will save your unborn child’s life and ensure your survival for many years of parenting.

3. Try To Maintain A Healthy Weight

Obesity and diabetes might raise your chance of Miscarriage as well as other pregnancy issues. Doctors advise managing diabetes and, if necessary, decreasing weight before getting pregnant.

4. Keep The Stress At Bay

According to studies, women who felt content and at ease throughout their pregnancies are less likely to face stillbirth. While this is true at all times, stress is particularly damaging during pregnancy. You must take care of your general attitude and keep yourself calm.

5. Start Consuming a Proper And Balanced Diet

A nutritious diet is important for everyone, not only for those seeking to reduce weight. A balanced diet is linked to a healthy weight and achieving ideal blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. A diet with higher fruits, vegetables, and whole grains has been proven to reduce pregnancy problems.

6. Get Proper Vaccination To Avoid Any Harmful Disease

Although some women worry that getting vaccinated against the flu could raise their chance of Miscarriage, research after study has found no such impact. Regardless of the pregnancy stage, an inactivated influenza vaccination is advised.

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to the flu and are more likely than normal people to die from the H1N1 strain. The fetus’s neural tube abnormalities are also linked to a high temperature during pregnancy.

Pregnant women with a COVID-19 infection may become sicker than average and have a greater risk of preterm delivery. Wear masks indoors to prevent exposure to the virus, and get vaccinated to lessen your chance of developing serious diseases.

7. Visit Your Doctor More Frequently

If you haven’t already, you should begin prenatal care without wasting more time. A physical examination by a doctor may reveal health issues or pregnancy complications that you might not know. If these problems are left untreated, they could result in the loss of the pregnancy, such as high blood pressure, gestational or type 2 diabetes, abnormalities of the cervical or uterine lining, or STDs.

8. You Should Take Your Prenatal Vitamins

Folic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamin D will keep you and the unborn child healthy. The better off you’ll be during pregnancy, the healthier and better nurtured you’ll be.

9. Limit Your Caffeine Intake Before Getting Pregnant

According to 2016 National Institutes of Health research that looked at 344 pregnancies, the risk of Miscarriage was greater if one or both spouses had two or more caffeinated drinks in the weeks preceding conception.

10. Avoid The Consumption Of Alcohol

Although women are encouraged to stop drinking during pregnancy to reduce the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, furthermore, frequent or heavy alcohol usage also increases the chance of Miscarriage or stillbirth.


Each pregnancy is different and complications may vary from case to case, so consultation with a gynecologist is very important.

In west Uttar Pradesh, you can contact the Obstetrician-Gynecologist of Ravi Hospital Group in Noida, Agra, Firozabad and Aligarh for more details.


This article should not be considered a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your treating Obstetrician Gynaecologist for more details.