About Ravi Hospital
Established on 13h March 1994, Ravi Hospital has been the pioneer as well as the trendsetter among Healthcare Centers of Agra & surrounding region. We are ISO 9001:2008 Certified Hospital.
Under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Ravindra Mohan Pachori, much more as a person than just a Gold Medallist Surgeon paired with clinical excellence and with the strong support of Dr. Rajni Pachori, the topmost & versatile gynecologist, Ravi Hospital bestowed upon the region till date.
Ever since there has been no turning back & the never-ending desire to deliver world-class healthcare services at very nominal packages to the entire region & cater to all social-economic fractions of our society.

Dynamic Future
With the continued support of our patients & the tireless efforts of our team members, we at Ravi Hospital have been doing really well in all of our specialties.
Delivering the best success rates in the Infertility treatment, the fastest best & the cleanest recovery in nearly all surgical branches especially in Laparoscopy, Intervention cardiology & dermatology too.
We have always been the leader in bringing up the newer initiations to achieve our goal whether it was becoming the 1st laparoscopic surgery center to our technical tie-up with Fortis Hospital, Noida in 2008 to our tie-ups with India’s biggest infertility chain Indira IVF in 2017 in 2013. We started our state-of-the-art mother & child care unit, under our subsidiary branch ‘Ravi women’s hospital’, located in the heart of the city. This centrally air-conditioned unit is made of its own kind of coziness to cater to all kind of maternal & child care needs with a team of the top-15 pediatricians of the city & elite team of gynecologists available round the clock along with the perk of privacy from a multi-specialty.
To fulfill our ambition of delivering class-leading health-care to the region, not just the city, we initiated Firozabad’s “Unity Hospital” alliance, which stands as the largest center of surrounding districts, catering to all elective & emergency cases with the best team and infrastructure possible.
Also, we’re proud to announce that really soon will be delivering the ‘Ravi Women’s Hospital’ branch to the highly populous NCR region, at not just one but two locations, sector-35 Noida & Mohan Nagar extension Ghaziabad where no such center exists to take care of the mother & the child as good as we do. So, set your navigations on!

Our Board

Dr. Ravindra Mohan Pachori
MBBS, MS (Gen. Surgery, Gold Medallist)
- Chairman
- Trustee – Education
- Laparoscopic Surgeon
- President IMA Agra
- Member – Taj Trapezium Zone

Dr. Rajani Pachori
MBBS , MS (Obs Gynae)
- Director – Healthcare
- Trustee – Education
- Laproscopic Surgeon
- IVF specialist

Dr. Mukesh Chauhan
- Director – Education

Mr B. K. Sharma
- Secretary – Education

Dr. Rajat Pachori
MBBS, MD (Medicine)
- Trustee – Education

Dr. Rishabh Pachori
- Trustee – Education
- Vice President & Former Literature Secretary Student Council RUHS CMS Jaipur

Our Centres