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Debunking the Myth: Can You Get Pregnant While on Periods?

Jun 16, 2023 | Health, Infertility, Maternity, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Myths, Pregnancy Tips

The topic of pregnancy and menstruation can be confusing, and many misconceptions exist. One common question that often arises is whether it is possible to get pregnant while on your period. In this blog post, we will address this prevalent myth and provide accurate information to help dispel any misunderstandings.

Understanding Menstruation: The Menstrual Cycle

Before we delve deeper into the topic, let’s briefly understand what happens during the menstrual cycle. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining that occurs approximately every 28 days. It is a part of the reproductive cycle that prepares the body for pregnancy.

The Myth of Pregnancy During Menstruation:

There is a widespread misconception that getting pregnant while on your period is impossible. This belief stems from the notion that menstruation eliminates the possibility of pregnancy due to the shedding of the uterine lining.

However, it is important to note that every woman’s menstrual cycle is different, and factors such as cycle length and irregularity can influence the timing of ovulation.

The Role of Ovulation:

To understand the potential for pregnancy during menstruation, it is crucial to comprehend the concept of ovulation. Ovulation typically occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle, but it can vary. Sperm can survive inside the female reproductive system for up to five days, waiting for an egg to be released. If intercourse takes place during the end of the period or immediately after, the sperm can potentially fertilize an egg during ovulation.

Can you get Pregnant while on period: Factors Influencing Fertility:

While the chances of getting pregnant during menstruation are generally low, several factors can affect fertility and increase the likelihood of pregnancy. These factors include:

  1. Short Menstrual Cycles: Women with shorter cycles may ovulate sooner after their period ends, increasing the possibility of pregnancy.
  2. Irregular Cycles: Irregular menstrual cycles can make it challenging to predict ovulation accurately. In such cases, the risk of pregnancy can be higher.
  3. Prolonged Bleeding: If a woman experiences prolonged bleeding, it may overlap with the time of ovulation, raising the chances of conception.
  4. Sperm Survival: Sperm can survive in the reproductive system for several days, so even if intercourse occurs towards the end of menstruation, viable sperm may still be present during ovulation.
  5. Cycles with decreased menstrual flow: Many women face situations where ovulation bleeding may be confused with menstrual bleeding. Such cycles miscalculate your safe days and you may get pregnant.

Now you must get the answer Can you get pregnant while on period? Let’s understand the safety measures to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

What to do to avoid Pregnancy?

We have explained how a woman gets pregnant while menstruating. Hopefully, you understood that you cannot rely on the menstrual cycle to avoid pregnancy. However, if don’t want to get pregnant, you must take some precautions.

To avoid unwanted pregnancies, it is essential to practice safe and reliable methods of contraception consistently. Condoms, hormonal birth control, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and other forms of contraception can provide the necessary protection throughout the menstrual cycle, regardless of the timing.

Should you consult your Doctor?

If you have concerns about pregnancy or need guidance on contraceptive methods, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized information based on your unique circumstances and help you choose the most suitable birth control method for you.

At Ravi Hospital, our gynecologists provide guidance regarding contraceptives. You can contact them now!

Book your Appointment.


Contrary to popular belief, getting pregnant while on your period is not impossible, although the chances are generally low. The timing of ovulation and factors influencing fertility play a significant role in determining the possibility of conception. It is crucial to understand your own menstrual cycle and take appropriate precautions if you do not wish to conceive. If you have concerns or questions about your reproductive health or contraception, consulting a healthcare professional is always recommended for personalized advice.

For any queries, do contact our Obstetrician-Gynaecologist of Ravi Hospital Group in Noida, Agra, Firozabad, and Aligarh. We have the best doctors with us to help you in every way!